Our multiplexing modules can combine multiple points of separate velocity traces onto a single digitizer channel. This can happen through either frequency or time division.
Frequency division uses two signal lasers to shift each trace to separate halves of the bandwidth spectrum. The total velocity range of the system is accordingly shared between the two.
In time division, a long fiber delay line is used to insert the signal of one velocity trace into the digitizer record right after the other one finishes. This leads to savings by using the memory depth of a digitizer as if it were a second channel, while still reserving the full bandwidth, and velocity range, of the system for each trace. We offer custom timing delays up to several ?s.
Both time and frequency division can be separate or compounded for maximal multiplexing. Current options include 2×1 and 4×1 multiplexing in various configurations.

Traverse Solutions and Instrumentation
3210 N Canyon Rd, Suite 207, Provo, UT 84604 US
[email protected]